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Enhancing the quality of life for our canine companions.


The mission of the Michael I Kudo Foundation is to improve and enhance the quality of life of our canine companions by providing funding and resources to qualified nonprofit organizations.


Our initial focus is to assist Beagles and their families. Why Beagles?  


To honor our brother Mike, the namesake of the foundation. He LOVED his Beagle Bogey and always talked about getting another beagle.


To bring to light the injustices that target Beagles because they are such friendly dogs. Beagles are great family dogs; docile, people pleasing and very forgiving. Sadly, these are the same reasons they are used for animal testing. They are easy to “maintain” in cages and do not have a tendency to bite when being hurt. Check out our Animal Testing resource page for more information.


Our primary objective is to search out deserving and qualified organizations who provide services to the canine community at large. They could be Shelters, Animal Rescues, Educational or many other types of Non-Profits.  We then evaluate  their current approaches to ensure they fit within our mission which is to enhance the quality of life for our canine companions and their families.



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